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Connected Miners (PROP/SOLO). /2 ; Pool Fee (PROP/SOLO). %/% ; Finder Reward. % ; Minimum Payout. 1 DNX ; Payment Interval. 2 hours. Dynex (DNX) Mining Pool by MiningOcean. You can start mining Dynex (DNX) coin now. Dynex (DNX) Mining Pool Features: PPLNS Payment System. Pool and SOLO Mining. PROP/SOLO Pool Hash Rate. PROP: MH/sec (%). SOLO: KH/sec (%). Blocks Found (PROP/SOLO). /DNX. Blocks Found Every.
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Dashboard; Worker Statistics SOLO: %DNX. Network Hash Rate (DNX).
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Please do not mine. cpu-mining, solo-mining, solo-mining-howto, solo, mining. 0,November 24, Dynex (DNX) Mining Pool by HeroMiners · Wallets and Pools · solo-mining. I'm curious, when we go full bull again do you think there will be a GPU solo resurgence? Or are those days behind us?
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