Mining calculator for GPUs -
RX 4GB. -. +. RX 8GB. -. +. RX 8GB. -. +. AMD Vega. Vega -. +. Vega -. +. VII Ethereum Classic. Etchash. Reward: $. etc. Price. I have gone to about half a dozen or more "Profitability" Calculators for mining Ethereum and the majority of them all say that you can. Ethereum Classic, Ethereum Classic + Alephium, Ethereum POW, Ethereum Pow + AMD RX Estimated ROI: daysGPU. ERG, $, $ Highest profit.
GPU Mining Calculator. Check GPU hashrate and profitability. Data gathered from WhatToMine. EthereumClassic (Etchash).
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RX Moreover, this card tends to make much noise and overheat. The RX mining, like other AMD cards, is a rx580 fit for mining Ethereum and Ethereum Classic.
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